Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Beyond Risk is about people and their views on money....borne of over 30 years of front line experience and engagement in the arena of exponential corporate growth through financial practice building under 'fire' in a lifetime passion......the assuring of the financial value of our allow for the completion of our personal and business financial objectives. It is about character, integrity, people and their often complex and conflicting attitudes towards money.....its accumulation.....its preservation and its utility. It is about the leadership of high performance professionals who are committed to managing the capital risk and the lifetime financial well being of their families, business associates and clients. It is about coaching 'Olympian' class high performance empowerment. Above all it is about ethical choice in every facet of decision making and execution. It is remarkable that of all the basic life skill related subjects that we include in our children's early curriculum financial literacy is not one of them.......given that we live in a money economy. It is said that we each have a "Money Personality". Nothing could be more accurate and more life defining.

Dan Zwicker



Given the unprecidented number of Boomers retiring over the next 18 years the need for competent financial retirement planning professional advice has never been greater.

The key objective is sustainable lifetime (30 - 40 years) retirement income

Dan Zwicker
Toronto, Canada.
January 5, 2012


Well, many people realize that after retiring, instead of enjoying their pensions, they find it a burden when it comes to maximizing the use of their money and gaining the most profit out of it. I guess this is where financial planners are inserted into the picture. I believe that with the help of these individuals, people are given a bigger picture of how their money is supposed to be spent, it's not that financial planners are being your boss in how you are to spend your money but instead they function as your advisor so that you don't end up using all your money to things that worthless. Thanks for posting :)

Kaloy said...
financial planner
January 30,